Waxy Skillet
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Reuters: Bill Gates to Receive Honorary UK Knighthood
Update: Bill Joy “upset” at inability pull floppy disk from stone in courtyard

London, England: Sun Microsystems CEO Bill Joy was frustrated in his own attempt at knighthood shortly after Bill Gates removed a floppy disk from a stone in Leicester Abbey. Joy, who arrived in London minutes before Gate’s knighting ceremony, drove directly to the Abbey where he made several attempts to grasp and retrieve a 5 ¼” square disk set in one of the courtyard stones. A crowd nearby gave Joy a round of applause after his fifth attempt, prompting him to announce a trip to Corwall, to seek a rumored second stone said to be plagued with an unusually sticky CD button. Joy expressed further relief upon hearing that Gate’s knighting ceremony had been delayed after the Queen forgot her ceremonial speech, reportedly freezing mid-sentence.

In other news, Steve Jobs has succeeded in designing a small alabaster stone for use in future Cathedral construction. “We are getting orders for restoration and repair work” said Jobs “even though this stone is totally incompatible with most other building materials.”

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