Waxy Skillet
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Taipei Times, Taiwan: Google Inc announces IPO

Update: Area man wishes to submit bid for Google Stock, can’t find submission information.

Arlington, VA— James Lowells announced his intention to bid for stock in the Google IPO this morning only to spend fruitless hours searching for information on the bidding process. “ I called some friends,” said Lowells, “…and I’ve been looking in the papers but, while there’s lots of stock and company information, there seems to be very little info on the process itself.” Lowells, CEO of Kelis Inc., describes his own investment portfolio as ‘reasonably diverse’ but admits that this will be his first IPO purchase “I tend to lean toward blue chip stocks and index funds but I have a broker to help me out on most of this.” Lowells added: “This IPO is supposed to be extremely democratic and Google is allowing the public to bid so I should be able to do this directly once I find out how to bid...I'm hoping to find some information at the library on Monday” Lowells then returned to his copy of NewsWeek, which had an article about the offering.

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