Waxy Skillet
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Washington Post/ White House Notebook: “Like the Kremlin, the Palestinian Authority has also outdone the White House in glasnost.”

Update: Reuters, Associated Press Label Moscow, Palestinian Authority “No Spin Zones”

Washington—Soon after culling details of the recent Bush/ Blair meeting from anonymous sources at a Tastee Freeze in St Petersburg, heads of the AP and Reuters news agencies agreed to label Moscow and the Palestinian Authority “No Spin Zones.” Geert Linnebank, Editor-in-Chief at Reuters, stated: “We were sick of this veil of silence at the White House and the terse, often opaque statements emerging from the Executive Branch. We had to go somewhere else to get our stories straight. In this case, ‘somewhere else’ turned out to be the editorial room at Pravda.” After a few meetings, Associated Press reporters were presented with evidence for dozens of stories ranging from mind-control video games developed by the CIA to profiles of the credit card biochip development firm Mondex. “Prava offered us a great deal of background information and some of it was written down,” gushed one reporter “… most of the important evidence was double spaced and presented in summaries of 800 to 2,000 words.” While the Kremlin refused to comment on these events, the Palestinian Authority expressed approval, promising its own evidence for hard-hitting news stories “…just as soon as it can be shipped from Syria.”

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