Waxy Skillet
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Washington Post: Kerry Says Bush Policies Drove Tuitions Up
Challenger Urges President to Turn to International Body in Setting Iraq's Course

Update: President Bush requests additional funding for War Colleges

Stung by John Kerry’s simultaneous attack on the war in Iraq and increases in college tuition, President Bush issued a request to congress yesterday, seeking $3.5B for expansion of the military’s war college program. “We feel that this is the proper response to pressing needs on both fronts and plan to develop satellite campuses in such places as Baghdad, Kabul, and Berkeley, CA.” Bush assured reporters that these colleges, despite a focus on war, would strive to become bastions of liberal thought. “It will be just like Oberlin… but with guns…” Democrats in Pinellas County, Florida responded approvingly even as Edna McCall announced her move to an undisclosed location.

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