Waxy Skillet
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Washington Post: Beyond the Duck Hunt

Update: Cheney may have borrowed lawn tools, newspapers from Souter, Stevens.

Washington, DC— Controversy surrounding the Scalia/ Cheney duck hunt escalated this morning when it was revealed that the Vice President borrowed lawn tools, several morning newspapers, and at least two bags of un-ground coffee from Justices David Souter and John Paul Stevens. Souter released this information during a C-Span interview when he noted that Cheney, Stevens and Souter were neighbors “a few years back.” Asked about the lawn tools, Stevens indicated that Cheney borrowed his lawnmower on at least two occasions as well as an extension ladder, a hedge trimmer, and a grill lighter “He was always coming over,” said Stevens, “…we used to have barbeques and the Cheneys lived up the block. He was better with the painting tools and I was better on the lawn care so I’ve borrowed some of his dropcloths and brushes and he’s borrowed the riding mower.” Stevens added that the extension ladder “was a real victory, though.” Responding to questions from reporters, Souter indicated that Cheney had picked up his newspaper while he was away on vacation “because I’d forgotten to cancel service for that week and I didn’t want [the papers] piling up on the front porch…” Cheney, busy with Donald Rumsfeld’s weed trimmer, could not be reached for comment on this article.

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