Waxy Skillet
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Reuters: Bush Says June 30 Iraq Deadline Central to U.S. Plan

Update: White House Re-asserts June 30 deadline, switches Calendars.

In a press conference this morning, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan indicated that the United States would move from a Gregorian to an Islamic calendar system in order to ensure the transfer of power to Iraqi authorities by the June 30 deadline.

“June 30 is the 151st day of our calendar year, which begins on January 1st. The Islamic New Year, however, is celebrated 51 days later on February 21st. By observing the Islamic calendar, we can push the June 30 transfer date out another 51 days, to August 21st-- 151 days into the Islamic year. In this way, we can shift our own “June 30” date to August 21st merely by switching calendars.” After pausing, he added, “By switching to the Islamic calendar, we can be sure to meet our June 30 date, even if June 30 occurs in late August.”

John Kerry called a press conference in order to condemn the President for his “hasty, unilateral choice of calendars”, indicating that he would prefer either the Julian calendar abandoned by Turkey in 1927 or the Star Date calendar popularized by the Star Trek television show.

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